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About the St. Albans Fire Department

Our Mission

Preserve Life & Protect Property

The St. Albans WV Fire Department’s mission is to always be equipped, trained and dedicated to responding to all emergencies within the City of St. Albans, West Virginia. It is our goal to preserve life, protect property and serve our community to the best of our ability.

The SAFD now has 22 full-time and 7 paid-on-call Firefighters on staff. Our Firefighters and Officers work rotating shifts of 24 hours on duty/48 hours off, creating three shifts each composed of a Captain, Lieutenant, and five Firefighters. This arrangement provides the City with 5 to 7 personnel available for immediate emergency response 24 hours per day/ 365 days per year.
New Statue at the St. Albans Fire Department Highlawn Station
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St. Albans Fire Department Ladder Truck
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Our History

From Fire We Are Forged

The Saint Albans Fire Department has a rich history of serving the Saint Albans community for well over 100 years. A series of large fires devastated the “main street” area of the city in the early 1900s, and the citizens responded by forming The Saint Albans Salvage Corps in 1906.

Early efforts of The St. Albans Salvage Corps were focused on minimizing loss of property, but as priorities shifted to protect the safety of lives, The Salvage Corps was renamed St. Albans Fire Company 1.   Staffing was composed of volunteers early on but transitioned to full-time personnel in the 1950s.

Our Locations

We operate out of two fire stations in St. Albans: Central Fire Station (Station 1) is located at the intersection of B Street and Sixth Ave. Highlawn Fire Station (Station 2) is located on Walnut Street, just south of the railroad crossing.

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Central Station

st albans wv fire department highlawn station st albans west virginia 002 e1636555548188

Highlawn Station