Apparatus & Equipment

Engine 951
2005 Pierce Contender 1250gpm/750gal
Carries full compliment of Hurst eDraulic rescue tools, rope rescue equipment, stabilization tools, air bags and more. Runs as first out Engine from Central Station

Engine 952
2010 Pierce Dash Contender 1250gpm/750gal
Runs as first-out engine at Highlawn Station. Carries TNT hydraulic rescue equipment, stabilization jacks, and cribbing, along with a full compliment of engine company tools.

Engine 953
1992 Pierce Dash 1250gpm/750gal
Serves as 2nd out Engine at Highlawn Station, also serves as reserve as needed

Truck 961
2021 Sutphen SP70 / 1500gpm/500gal
First out Truck for the City. Housed at Central station, carries Hurst eDraulic combi-tool, rope rescue equipment, and full compliment of truck company tools.

Ladder 962
2000 American LaFrance/LTI 75’ aerial 1500gpm/500gal
Runs as 2nd out aerial for the city. Carries full compliment of truck company tools and equipment.
Additional Emergency Response Apparatus
Squad 971
2015 Ford F350
Utility vehicle to support operations personnel and Shift Commander
Water Rescue 982
2007 Ford F550/ KME walk-in rescue
Responds to all water rescue incidents. Carries SCUBA and swiftwater gear to support dive and top-water operations. Also serves as tow rig for our three swiftwater boats as needed.
Boat 983
2005 24’ Avalon tri-toon w/150hp Honda outboard
Carries SpitzLift hoist, portable fire pump, and other river rescue equipment. House on the Kanawha River year-round at Lou Wendell Marine.